Q: What should I do with all these herbs?
One of the most frequent questions we get is how to use up excess herbs and greens - either from a bunch of parsley or the mint running amok in your yard. Our answer is the same every time: pesto. “Pesto” refers not to the usual combination of basil and pine nuts, but to how the concoction is classically made - with a pestle. But, except for your nonna, most everyone uses a food processor to make their pesto. Follow Lifehacker’s guide on how to turn any leafy green or herb into pesto, which packs a nutritional punch, is beloved by both kids and adults and and stores well.
But, pesto isn’t the only practical, easy use for leftover herbs. Add them to your grains or salad, toss them in your (store-bought) soup, or make yourself a bowl of savory oatmeal. Or, do as Ambitious Kitchen does and freeze them into cubes for easy storage and cooking. Another tip we swear by: find one herb you like and only buy bunches of that. We think chives are the most versatile herb and swap them in for whatever a recipe calls for - parsley, scallions, etc.
How do you like to use your herbs? Let us know in the comment section!